The HiRoad app

Using the app helps you build better driving habits and earn savings every month.

See your discount
Engage and focus
Review your info
File claims easily
See your discount
Engage and focus
Review your info
File claims easily
Get a quote
Learn about HiRoad auto insurance

Download the app

App Store
Google Play

It’s easy to get started

Review your trips
Drive more mindfully

The HiRoad app in action

“I love having everything in my app. It saves time and makes me a more conscientious driver.”

— Steve F.

Data security at HiRoad

We respect your privacy
We take security seriously
We are always improving


How does the app know when I'm driving versus being a passenger?
How do I classify trips?
How do I classify trips if I drive for my job?
What are the HiRoad driving scores?
What if I don't drive well one day? How will it affect my discount?
Why is my monthly price different than my base rate?
view all
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