The road to wellness: the therapeutic benefits of long drives
July 6, 2023
Picture this: you’re behind the wheel, your
favorite playlist is leading to a flow state and the destination? TBD. With more folks taking up the practice of “just going for a drive,” the idea of a destination-less drive is increasing in popularity.In a world that can often feel overwhelming and fast-paced, we’ll share how the simple act of driving can be therapeutic. Known for being a mindful meditation practice, here’s our take on the benefits of wanderlust therapy.
Why is driving therapeutic?
Call it magic, but there’s something to be said for our desire to forget about our weekend to-dos and hit the road with no goal in mind. And why are we so drawn to the idea of long, aimless drives?
1. The freedom appeal
If your day is often dictated by schedules, obligations and expectations, going on a drive can offer a sense of liberation. Behind the wheel, you become the architect of your journey, with the power to choose the route and determine the pace.
No schedules. No deadlines. The road is your canvas to explore at your own pace. Whether you relish in getting a little lost or prefer to stick to the tried and true—you’re free from the constraints of everyday life.
2. Respite from the day-to-day
In a world where we’re always connected and overloaded with information, driving can be therapeutic. It can be a sanctuary for us to seek solace and peace. Just ask writer Elizabeth Gulino who gives her take on taking long, aimless drives. In her Refinery29 article, she shares that she drives when she needs to de-stress and relax.
“Long car rides also give me a chance to let my mind wander.”
– Elizabeth Gulino
As we drive the road less traveled, we separate ourselves from the noise and distractions. Notifications, emails, social media updates—those all fade away when we break away and go for a therapeutic drive. Aimless drives allow you to, for a moment, disconnect from the world around you and reconnect with yourself.
3. Appeal to curiosity and adventure
One of the biggest appeals of a clear-your-mind drive is to spark your innate sense of curiosity and adventure. For some, we welcome the invitation to explore and discover new places or destinations. Long, leisurely drives provide the perfect opportunity to do just that—it’s the thrill of the unknown.
Uncovering hidden gems, exploring our own backyards and embracing natural beauty draws on our own curiosity and welcomes the richness of the world around us. When you embark on a therapeutic road trip, you’re opening yourself up to discovering something new and creating an adventure that can help benefit you in more ways than one.
The benefits of going on a drive to clear your head
It can be easy to think that a therapeutic drive is just a waste of gas, but hear us out. While these drives certainly require the time, resources and transportation to get from A to B, the benefits can often outweigh the cost.
First benefit of therapeutic drives? A much-needed way to reduce stress. Aimless drives create a break from the hectic pace of life, allowing your body and mind to unwind or release tension. When you hit the road, you may notice your passengers falling asleep. Turns out there’s a science to that.
The road and rhythmic motion of driving promotes deep relaxation. In a article, Jade Wu, a psychologist and sleep medicine specialist, says that low-frequency vibrations can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system—inducing relaxation. Just make sure you don't get too relaxed if you're the one doing the driving. If you start feeling drowsy make sure you pull over where it's safe.
Another benefit to those logged road miles is the sense of improved focus and creativity. Driving can be considered one of the most complex everyday tasks. Yet, in the right setting, it also frees up part of the brain to think productively.
“Since the early days of motoring, psychologists have been interested in the fact that driving—as well as being one of the most complex, everyday tasks—is also one that frees up parts of the brain to think productively”
– Lynn Pearce, Ph.D and author
Because driving means you’re likely incapable of multitasking, going on long drives can be refreshing because it allows for time to reflect and relax, one thought or task at a time.
As a last benefit, it allows time to either have a moment of privacy or share it with loved ones. When was the last time you were able to be alone when no one was watching? Therapeutic car rides can offer you a rare opportunity to be yourself for a minute.
Not into a solo ride? Traveling with your family or friends can be a great way to bond and create memories with one another. The relaxed atmosphere, familiar tunes and absence of distractions creates a space for deeper connections and stronger relationships.
As an added bonus to your long drive, don’t forget your furry friends! Pets can make great road trip companions and also provide you with a great opportunity to create memories with each other.
New miles, new places, new paths
Something about hitting the road for no reason at all is the idea that you have no destination in mind; a “let’s see where the road takes us” kind of vibe. And it’s not uncommon to connect aimless drives to the outdoors. For some, that’s exactly what it is. Driving those back roads in nature, forging new paths and enjoying what the world has to offer.
These moments in nature can provide an additional way to connect with yourself, your thoughts and slow down. So whether your drive takes you to a mountain lake or a park you’ve never been to—those moments outside truly are therapeutic.
Maybe next time you get behind the wheel, even if you have a destination in mind, consider taking the scenic route to get there. These new roads and places provide you with a fresh perspective and a chance to discover things that you otherwise wouldn’t have been able to experience.
Safety considerations for a therapeutic drive
We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the considerations you should take before you embark on the road less traveled. Here are some things to keep in mind that can help keep you safe and sound on your drive:
Let folks know where you’re headed
Have a car emergency kit at the ready
Take a map, just in case
Bring along water and snacks
Above all, enjoy the ride because that’s what it’s all about. Long, aimless drives provide an escape for the stress of everyday life that we could all use a little of. At HiRoad, we want you to enjoy the mindful moments on the road, so take an hour today and adventure into your unknown.
The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with HiRoad®. While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. HiRoad is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. HiRoad makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.Stay on the path
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